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Innovate Design Build Program Compete

We strive to cultivate a passion for STEM innovation in young minds, building skills that they'll carry with them throughout their lives. With our focus on team building, leadership development, and robotics competitions, Snutgir is the premier destination for those looking to make a lasting impact on the world. Check out some of our recent projects to see the amazing work we're doing!

FLL Challenge

Our FIRST LEGO League Challenge program is one of the best ways to instill a passion for innovation and engineering in young people. Snutgir has been recognized as a leader in offering hands-on learning experiences that foster creativity, experimentation, and confidence. Our program is designed to provide a fun and interactive environment where kids aged 9-16 can explore new ideas and build skills that will serve them well throughout their lives.

FLL Explore

FIRST LEGO League Explore is an ideal way to introduce young children to the world of STEM and robotics. The program focuses on hands-on learning, where kids learn through experimentation and critical thinking in a fun and interactive way. At Snutgir, we are excited to offer this inspiring and engaging program for children aged 6-10 who want to explore their creativity and problem-solving skills. Our experienced team is dedicated to making sure our students learn and grow every day, through a wide range of activities and tools.

Our Projects

Every year, we compete in the Lego League Challenges, where we showcase our skills in design, building, testing, and programming complex robots. Our projects have won us multiple awards, recognizing our innovation, teamwork, and professional excellence. We strive for perfection, and with our public surveys, we’re constantly improving and evolving our projects. Check out our latest projects below and join us in our next challenge!


We host birthday events for children with Lego building.

© 2017 by Snutgir,LLC. Registered and trademark of Snutgir

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